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How to make the perfect pancakes for Pancake Day

How to make the perfect pancakes for Pancake Day

Bonnie Friend's avatar
13 February 2024
Here’s how to make the best pancakes with inspiration from some of the best spa hotels…
A recipe to beat your bloat: slaw monster burger and fries

A recipe to beat your bloat: slaw monster burger and fries

Bonnie Friend's avatar
18 May 2018
From celebrity personal trainer Maeve Madden’s new book, Beat Your Bloat, why not try this burger and fries recipe with a healthy twist!
PT to the stars Maeve Madden talks about how to beat bloating

PT to the stars Maeve Madden talks about how to beat bloating

Bonnie Friend's avatar
17 May 2018
Being honest about bloating is something Irish-born blogger Maeve Madden has never shied away from, and it is her own journey with IBS that has lead to her new book Beat Your Bloat: Recipes and exercises to promote digestive health.
Seven tips for getting started with the ketogenic lifestyle

Seven tips for getting started with the ketogenic lifestyle

Bonnie Friend's avatar
15 May 2018
Ever heard of a ketogenic lifestyle? The high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet is the rumoured favoured lifestyle choice of celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Halle Berry, and Melissa McCarthy.
Why wellness is a gut feeling

Why wellness is a gut feeling

Bonnie Friend's avatar
12 January 2018
There are wellness trends that come and go, but then there are realisations and developing knowledge that simply gain more and more credence as time goes on, and gut health is one of them.
10 of the top spas for foodies: ultimate relaxation and culinary indulgence

10 of the top spas for foodies: ultimate relaxation and culinary indulgence

Bonnie Friend's avatar
12 March 2025
Do you know your rocket from your radicchio? Is over cooked meat anathema? For those of us who seek new culinary experiences as part of our spa break, here are 10 spas and spa hotels for foodies.
Myths about veganism

Myths about veganism

Bonnie Friend's avatar
13 July 2016
Earlier this year we got the dietician’s take on veganism as a diet and lifestyle choice. Following the release of his new book Eaternity, author Jason Wrobel talks about how he became vegan and why…
Coeliac disease is just a gluten intolerance… isn’t it?

Coeliac disease is just a gluten intolerance… isn’t it?

Bonnie Friend's avatar
03 June 2016
Coeliac disease and gluten intolerances often get bundled into the same basket, but there’s a very real difference between them says dietician Claire Wylde…
What it's like to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

What it's like to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Bonnie Friend's avatar
25 May 2016
Having found out she had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) at 26, one Spabreaker shares her story about how she came to a diagnosis and what she’s doing to try to manage it.
What can you do to help with IBS?

What can you do to help with IBS?

Bonnie Friend's avatar
06 May 2016
We take a look at how to cope with IBS