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Why you should turn a one night break into a 2 night spa break (or even 3!)

Sarah Hill's avatar
Last updated: 15 August 2023 team member, Sarah, explains why her two night spa break at Hoar Cross Hall paid wellbeing dividends…


As we all become a little more aware of our personal need for time out, we are increasingly mindful that we need to invest wisely in our wellbeing. That doesn’t have to mean going to the most expensive spa, but it can mean making a little extra time to really benefit from a spa experience. That’s why more people than ever are turning a one night spa break a two night spa break, or even three. Here, Senior Product Manager, Sarah Hill, explains why her two night spa break at Hoar Cross Hall paid wellbeing dividends…

An experienced spa goer still learning new ways to benefit from a spa break

Seasoned spa goer, Sarah, knows how to enjoy a spa. She’s one of the key reasons so many of us get to enjoy spa breaks through, working with spas across the country to create beautiful spa packages for every occasion. However, even she has not always appreciated the true value of a two night spa break or even a three night break, instead of one. So when she visited the luxurious Hoar Cross Hall for two nights, she was surprised and elated at the transformative impact of that extra night, which, proportionately didn’t add a lot more to the bill. Here, she explains what she did and why she got so much out of it…


“It’s not more of the same, but more of everything”

As a working mum, I’ve very rarely have the chance to stay for more than one night at a spa. However, staying for two nights at Hoar Cross Hall was really special. While any amount of time at this beautiful destination is special, this really allowed me to make the most of the facilities, experience everything it had to offer, and to take my time doing it. The result was a real and meaningful chance to relax rather than racing through the experience.

I went just before Christmas, when, much like everyone else, I was feeling stressed and tired. It was the end of the year and I wanted to treat myself. So I went on a Saturday, enjoyed a full day on the Sunday and came back home on the Monday - meaning it hardly took any time out of my working week. The difference I felt from turning a one night escape into a two night spa break, was huge. I felt like a different person.

Hoar_Cross_Hall spa

Making the most of the luxury on my two night spa break

Since I was spoiling myself, I stayed in a suite. Hoar Cross Hall has recently redone their rooms, and boy was it worth it! I couldn’t believe I had all that space just for me! The luxuriousness of it all! Then I thought to myself, I work hard so why shouldn’t I spoil myself?

When you turn a one-night break into two, I think one of the big differences is that you have time to treat the overnight bit as being just as important as your time in the spa.


Time to enjoy my spa break at a leisurely pace

I arrived on the Saturday around lunchtime, checked into my room, changed into my robe, and went for lunch. It’s a buffet lunch and you get to choose a main and a dessert from menu, while starters are from buffet. It’s very relaxed. 

Then I went to use the facilities. There’s so much to do there, so you really do want time to explore. Our late colleague, Lang, used to call Hoar Cross Hall the ‘Disney of spas’, because there’s so much to do and every year they make an effort to enhance it even further.

Having spent the afternoon using the spa facilities, on my first night I relaxed for a while in my enormous room and then I dressed up to have a three-course dinner of truly exceptional food, all to myself. Already, I had had a whole day to myself, and normally I would be getting up in the morning, packing my things and leaving, but I wasn’t even half way through my experience and I could feel the stress melting away. 

In the morning on the Sunday I got to lie in, guilt free, and have a leisurely breakfast. Then I went to spend time in the spa, had a manicure and went for a stroll around the grounds, which in the summer have much to offer by way of activities. Even in the winter it’s worth a walk (or jog if you feel so inclined).


Time to experience the different parts of the hotel

Having spent time in the spa throughout the morning and early afternoon, I opted to have afternoon tea instead of lunch. Where lunch is in the spa, afternoon tea is in the main hotel, where you can enjoy the character and style of the historic building whilst looking out onto the beautiful gardens. Although it was a winter’s day, the sun was shining and I felt so happy sitting there, having Prosecco and eating cake and sandwiches. I was getting to really experience the hotel.

I had booked in a 90-minute treatment to have in the afternoon, which I was very much looking forward to. Again, it was about making the most of my time by investing in an amount of time that would make a significant difference to how I felt. The treatment was a scrub, facial and massage in one, but the combination as well as the length of time really enhances that deep state of relaxation. It took me to another level and I was completely chilled out afterwards. 

In the afternoon I spent some time using the spa facilities again, had another dinner, and spent the evening sitting and listening to piano music while I had a drink and watched the world go by. It really us such an elegant place; nothing’s rushed and everything is charming. I had an early night, and got up earlier the next morning to enjoy breakfast at my own pace. After that you can choose to spend more time enjoying the facilities as there’s never a sense of being rushed to leave. Then I meandered home, feeling refreshed and renewed and thoroughly committed to turning as many of my spa breaks into two-night spa breaks in the future. 


Top tips for a two-night spa break

Book a spa treatment that's at least 60-minutes long

The way we think about treatments in spas has moved on. We don’t really want to have a 30-minute treatment, but instead want to make the most of it, knowing a minimum of one hour is needed to get the benefit. So definitely aim for a longer treatment on your stay. It’s worth the investment.

Choose a spa destination with multiple facilities and experiences

Choose a spa destination with lots of things to do, whether it's got masses of spa facilities or lots of different activities available. Hoar Cross Hall is great because there are lots of facilities, but there are others as well, and in different price brackets. You want to make sure there are plenty of facilities, not just a sauna and steam room, so that there’s lots to explore if you want to during your stay.

Don’t be afraid to go on a solo spa break

I travelled alone and solo spa breaks are increasingly popular, because really a spa break is all about you. Do what you want, when you want and allow yourself time where you haven’t got to answer to anybody.

Book a two-night spa break

Written by
Sarah Hill
“Sarah Hill”
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