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What is the SATCC and how does it affect cancer patients on a spa break?


In our recent blogs we have been talking about Safe Hands for Cancer - supporting cancer patients who want to go on a spa break. A key part of the initiative is our association with the SATCC. So what is it? In truth, the SATCC is one of those things that as a spa goer you might not think that much about, but it can have an enormous impact on your spa experience and has been doing phenomenal work on behalf of individuals being treated for, living with or recovering from cancer. The only time it is really likely to enter your field of consciousness is when you or a loved one has had a cancer diagnosis and you want to treat them to a spa experience while they’re going through this challenging period of life. 

So what is it, who’s behind it, and how does it affect you?

“I firmly believe that a national standard authority for cancer care is a game-changer for therapists and their clients”

Sue Harmsworth MBE

What is the SATCC and what does it do for cancer patients?

The SATCC (Standards Authority for Training and Cancer Care) is the only dedicated body of industry experts providing dedicated training for spa therapists to ensure they can treat spa guests at all stages of their cancer journey. 

It has done this by paying attention to the kind of details that we don’t tend to think about when we go on a spa break. They have created a set of industry standards that are recognised by insurers and that allow all therapists to be trained to treat cancer patients whether being treated, recovering or living with cancer. There are three levels of therapist training.

  • Level 1: Allows therapists to treat someone who has had cancer within the last three years.
  • Level 2: Allows therapists to treat someone who is currently in remission.
  • Level 3: Allows therapists to treat someone with active cancer who may have a picc line for example.

Who’s behind it?

Founded by Sue Harmsworth MBE, creator of ESPA, and a leading light of the spa industry for more than 30 years, the SATCC brings together 16 of the spa industry’s most influential educators and trainers. They include Amanda Winwood, Managing Director of Made for Life Organics and founder of the Made for Life Foundation; Jennifer Young, Founder of her eponymous skincare brand, providing products that are safe for anyone with cancer and also those that target specific skin care problems brought on by cancer treatment; and Founder, Abi Selby.

How does it affect spa therapists?

The SATCC is all about empowerment, safety, confidence and opening up the spa industry. As spa therapists, that means providing an accreditation that allows you to adapt spa treatments for clients at any stage of the cancer experience with confidence. It means not having to turn spa goers away because they are being treated for, or recovering from cancer, and it means being able to deliver spa experiences that are not only safe, but also give individuals the holistic therapy that will benefit them the most at this time in their lives.

How does it affect spa guests?

As spa guests the SATCC’s work is about empowering you by giving you the information that you need to find a spa experience that you can be confident will support your wellness needs at any stage of the cancer journey. It means being able to have a spa experience that doesn’t feel limited or inhibited if you yourself are a cancer patient. It means that your loved ones will also be able to spoil you with a spa experience without having to worry about checking lots of complicated information before they buy. It also means that if you are looking to purchase a gift for a loved one with cancer, safe in the knowledge that it won’t create unnecessary red tape in the process.

If you would like more information about how is working with the SATCC, follow the link to find out about our Safe Hands for Cancer spa experiences.


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