A former backing singer to George Michael and Kim Wilde, Janey Lee Grace had her own top ten hit as Cola Boy with Seven Ways to Love in 1991. Today she remains a part of the music industry as a radio presenter and playing the occasional gig, as well as being a mum of four, and sharing her knowledge on natural living through her Imperfectly Natural Woman book, and her website!
It’s quite a change from performer to radio presenter to to health guru - how did that happen?
I had my five minutes of fame, and was promoting my own records in radio stations and facied working in that, so it came about quite organically. Health was a personal passion anyway, and I was mentioning so much stuff on the radio that a publisher came to me and suggested writing a book - I hadn’t thought about it before, it was just the way I lived.
And that was the impetus for your book and website?
Yes - I had been really interested in nutrition because as far as I am concerned, everything starts with what you eat, but when I had my first child 13 years ago that was the catalyst. I think it’s the same for a lot of people because you start thinking about the products you are putting on this precious baby. Once you are looking after your own being like that then the eco part comes in naturally. I don’t like the word holistic, but that’s what it is, it’s everything - you become more aware of how you relax, energise, eat …
We’re a pretty product populated society … Is it hard to achieve a natural lifestyle?
No, not at all! That’s what I want to tell people; I have found a natural alternative for just about everything - cleaners for your house or the car, make-up, food, clothes - there’s no reason to sacrifice - and I have done the hard work for you, it’s all on the website!
What’s your advice to people who want to live a little more naturally?
Electromagnetic frequencies are really bad for us, and they’re everywhere - mobile phones, computers, wifi … think about it, a cordless phone is on all the time sending little signals out, and it takes its toll on our energy levels or causes problems like insomnia. We all use those things, and that’s fine - we need them, but you should try to make sure you are away from them when you sleep - don’t have a TV or a computer in the bedroom, and I get really frustrated when people use their mobiles as an alarm - get a regular clock!
What do you think are the benefits of healthy living?
There are many, many benefits - basically increased wellbeing and health. Many people have low-level chronic problems - tiredness, irritabiity, bad skin - and they can’t put their finger on the reason why. Just by ditching the chemicals they can change a lot of that … I often speak to people and they say they didn’t think about their health until a friend or family or they themselves became seriously ill, but why wait until you are sick? It’s at that point people realise that the last thing they want to be doing is putting more toxins into their bodies, even if they didn’t cause the problem in the first place, which they often do. Look at it as health insurance - plus a lot of it is cheaper or home made and you’re ticking the environmental box at the same time, and if you don’t have to miss out on anything, why wouldn’t you go for a natural lifestyle?
You recently started working with beauty brand Premae -what sets them apart from other similar products?
I really like that they are passionate about their products. They are 100% natural and use some really wonderful ingredients like Frankinsense, which is lovely. Obviously the products don’t contain chemicals or parabens, but they are also very clear that they are allergen free - so there are no traces of edd or milk - people often forget that just because something is natural it doesn’t mean you won’t be allergic to it, and these things are really important for some people!
Do you have a favourite product that you constantly rely on?
There are masses, but if I had to choose one it would be Tiana cold pressed virgin coconut oil - it’s Fairtrade and the purest of them all. I use it for cooking and in smoothies because it’s very high in lauric acid (also found in breast milk) and is very good for you - it’s a healthy fat that helps burn calories as well. I also have a jar in the bathroom which I use as a body lotion, hair conditioner, and for the kids - who run away too quickly to put it on their bodies, so I put it in the bath to soften the water - it’s a really multi-purpose product.
Is everything in your life natural? What about going out to dinner?
This is why the site and book is called Imperfectly Natural Woman - I am a real person and I have four kids - sometimes they are going to want crisps and I am not going to always say no. It’s not about being ridiculous, but overall, it’s a no-brainer for me; once you have lived without chemicals, you can’t live with them. I have a shower filter because there is so much chlorine in our water and it’s really drying for your skin, and I can’t believe the whiff of chlorine when I go to a hotel. When I go out to dinner I try to choose restaurants where they have sustainable foods - it’s not always possible, but I love going out to dinner!
How do you think spas are contributing to natural living?
I am hugely encouraged by the fact that spas offer meditation and relaxation rooms, and holistic treatments - that’s absolutely fabulous - when places offer truly holistic facials it makes such a difference.
Do you have a favourite treatment?
I am a huge fan of aromatherapy - the oils are unbelievably healing in the hands of the right therapist. I was doing a TV show and seven day weeks once, and I ended up having an aromatherapy massage once a week - especially if I started to feel a bit of a tickle in my throat. My therapist was amazing, she always knew exactly what oils I needed and I credit that with keeping me healthy.