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Interview in The Hot Tub … Charlotte Jackson

Bonnie Friend's avatar
Last updated: 05 February 2014

Now a lead presenter on Sky Sports News, Charlotte Jackson also trained as a doctor and was once in a girl band called Nebula 101 … here, she talks about golf, spas, and chilling out with her fiancé …

What’s your average day like?

I don’t have an average day as such as I do different hours all the time!  But it would involve a cup of tea first thing, breakfast, a run, then into work. I would cook dinner if I wasn’t working at night, with my fiancé, and then sit down and watch a film!

What do you enjoy most about your work?

It’s really varied, I sometimes get to go to places that I wouldn’t normally, such as a month in the Arctic when I presented 71 Degrees North, and when I’m at Sky and big sporting events are on we get to watch them at work as it’s part if the job, so don’t miss out in anything!

What has been your strangest experience at work so far?

When I was on Arabic Al Jazeera in Doha I was being interviewed in Arabic. So I had a translator and there would be a five second delay before I could answer which felt a long time when on live TV!  Being dressed up in glamorous swimwear, with my hair and make-up all done and standing on the 10-metre diving platform on live TV was something I never thought I would do!  Or on the last day of filming 71 Degrees North when we were actually at the point of 71 degrees it was so cold, -30 or so, that my eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair were solid with ice!

You’re an avid golfer - who would make up your dream four-ball?

Paul McGinley, Europe’s Ryder Cup captain, as he’s a good laugh and he could give me some tips on the way round; George Clooney, as I am a bit of a fair weather golfer , but if he was playing I wouldn’t want to go in early; Justin Timberlake as he is also a good golfer and I would want to convince him to get me into a new film of his!

Do you have a role model?

My mum! If I look like her at 65 I will be happy.  She’s worked hard all her life, been happily married to my dad for 44 years, captained the England lacrosse team, still takes two keep fit classes a week (one since she was 30 and the same ladies still go to her), and even though she’s retired she helps out with coaching the kiddies at her golf course!

What’s your idea of the perfect day of relaxation?

A nice walk along the river with my fiancé, a facial and massage, then a delicious meal and bottle of wine in the evening!

Do you have a favourite spa treatment and why?

I love any facial, especially re-hydrating ones and anti-aging ones as I love the glow a facial gives my skin!  I feel completely rejuvenated!

What is your ‘desert island’ beauty product that you can’t go on screen without?

If I’m feeling tired, Clarins Beauty Flash Balm under my make-up always gives my skin a boost.

What’s your top tip for feeling your best on a hectic schedule?

Drink lots of water and get as much sleep as possible … and no smoking!

Complete this sentence: A successful woman is … happy with who and what’s around her, and what she has achieved.

We encourage everyone to do one thing to be kind to themselves each week, so what are you going to do to #bekindtoyou?

Treat myself to a bit of pampering and take some time out to spend with friends and family rather than rushing around the whole time!

Written by
Bonnie Friend
“A journalist by trade, Bonnie is the Editor for Keen to spread the message on accessible wellbeing and a spa experience for all, she thinks green smoothies are somewhat overrated and her favourite spa treatment is an Elemis Couture Technology facial.”
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