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Zeina Samaha's avatar
Last updated: 09 August 2013

Confidence is … Truly believing that you are fabulous!

A lack of confidence can cripple us all. Everyone has that one thing that just niggles, and lets not forget that other thing that really beats us down. So how do you get to that point when you just feel so fabulous that all you want to do is scale a huge tree, and yell to the world that YOU ARE AMAZING!!… Well maybe not literally, after all arrogance has never been a great asset, but a true belief in the person you are is a thing to be valued indeed!

We want to explore what makes people feel confident, and what it is that stops people rocking their best asset … themselves! Through a series of How Tos and Top Tips we want to help you embrace what makes you feel confident and fabulous.

1. Recognise what it is about you that makes you awesome. Make a list and then own these attributes, they’re yours so rock them!

2. Accept that perfectionism is daft; no one is perfect, big, fat full stop.

3. Accept that we are all different. We all have different faces, bodies and characters. We are all wired differently, so how can you even begin to mould yourself into an ideal that is really just a combination of everyone’s best bits … it just aint gonna happen!

4. Ask yourself what it is that is holding you back. For billions and squillions of people this is a body issue thing. Don’t get hung up about it, accept it, deal with it, and move on. I have a gorgeous, beautiful friend who hates her tummy.  In my (and everybody else’s) eyes she is a crazy lady, she’s a knockout just the way she is, but she really beats herself up about it. As a result she lives off a diet of poached eggs and hummus (I know weird right!), and reduces herself to a trembling wreck in the gym (Ok maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the point!) and all of this for what? A year down the line and she still doesn’t feel any more confident about herself. This is kind of behaviour is typical of many of us (although probably not the hummus and egg thing!). What if, instead of letting that niggle knock you down, you just said “Meh, it’s just me, and actually me is a pretty amazing person!”

5. The positive body image campaign Body Gossip are trying to spread the message, they’ve got it bang on! interviewed the founders Natasha Devon and Ruth Rogers. We asked them about body confidence and how spas can help.

6. What is it that makes you feel amazing? What makes you really buzz? Got it? Ok now go and do it! Maybe its playing sport, whacking on your gladrags,  getting your hair cut, morris dancing, or doing some mad, crazy adrenaline pumping activity. Whatever it may be you need to take time to do that thing that pushes your buttons, floats your boat, ticks your boxes or however you would otherwise like to put it.

We want to hear from you on this one. What makes you feel amazing? What gets you down? What are your top confidence tips? Get in touch, tweet us, write on our Facebook, or leave a comment here.

How can help?

Pampering, indulgence, relaxation, beauty, detox, exercise, whatever you are seeking from the experience a spa day will make you feel like some sort of wonderful, dreamy, gliding angel, beautiful, calm and serene.


We want to help everybody feel gorgeous. offers spa packages to suit everybody and every budget. Something that is particularly close to our hearts is helping people that are fighting cancer to have the same “gliding angel” experience. We do this through our Recovery Retreat packages. Penny Hill park therapist Kirsty Amato talks about Recovery Retreats and author Sharon Morrison shares her experience.

Have you or somebody you know suffered from cancer? Tell us what you think. Get in touch, tweet us, write on our Facebook, or leave a comment here. are launching the first ever Women’s Wellness Week ( 12- 15th September). We are encouraging women to #begoodtothemselves. We want to raise money for the charity Look Good Feel Better, the only national UK charity specifically created to help women and young people combat the visible side effects of their cancer treatment, providing renewed confidence and self esteem.  During Women’s Wellness Week members of the team will be walking over 100 miles in their dressing gowns to raise money for Look Good Feel Better. You can sponsor them here at We will also be selling women’s wellness week #begoodtoyourself wristbands available on our website, when making a spa booking and at selected spas, all profits will go to Look Good Feel Better.



Tell us what you are going to do to #begoodtoyourself

Written by
Zeina Samaha
“Zeina Samaha”
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