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5 healthy decisions to kickstart your spring season

Bonnie Friend's avatar
Last updated: 20 March 2025

We talk about spring cleans, but how can we use this positive time of the year to affect healthy changes for our long term wellbeing? Here are our easy top tips for making the most of the lighter days to boost your energy, wellness, and sense of joy.

Knowing that health isn’t about one big decision but generally lots of little ones, how can we use the rejuvenating powers of spring to make healthy changes for our long-term wellbeing? Here are a few ways we like to feel our best each and every day.

1. Easy ways to add exercise to our day

It can be really hard to fit exercise into the working week. Many of us have long commutes to contend with as well as other commitment. That means getting out the door and onto the train/car/bike/bus at some horrid hour of the day. However, now that it’s lighter, and hopefully the weather is a bit better, it can also be easier to get up a little earlier in the morning or feel less inclined to go straight home straight after work. Use those extra hours of light to inspire you to do something a little different two or three mornings or evenings a week.

Health benefits of exercise

You don't need us to tell you that exercise is good for you. However, it doesn't have to be about an intense workout in the gym for hours on end. Walking, and simply increasing general movement throughout the day can have a profound impact on wellbeing, from improving mood to aiding digestion, helping us age better, and reduce the chances of certain health conditions.

Daily exercise tips you could try:

  • Walking/jogging part of the journey between home and work.
  • Doing a short workout at home - how about streaming a yoga class to your laptop?
  • Trying an exercise class in a sport or technique you’ve never done before. How about indoor climbing, boxing or qi gong?
Discover spa suggestions for everyday mental health exercises

2. Get some headspace with meditation

Headspace is a rare commodity in our buzzing modern world. Lots of people talk about meditation and the most difficult thing about it is making the time. Lots of very successful people swear by meditation, and there’s no better time of the day than early in the morning before the world is awake to put it into action. Just 10 to 20 minutes to ease yourself into the day quietly and calmly, rather than starting the day by having to snap into action, can really set you up with a positive mindset. Why not try a guided meditation to help you get started? There are lots of apps - HeadSpace comes well recommended.

Health benefits of mindfulness of meditation

There's actually evidence to show that just 10 minutes of daily mindfulness and meditation can significantly improve wellbeing. Citing a study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, Bath University writes:

"researchers from the Universities of Bath and Southampton have unveiled how just 10 minutes of daily mindfulness practice can improve wellbeing, ease depression and anxiety, and help people to be more motivated to improve their lifestyle – including healthier exercise, eating and sleeping habits."

Tips for starting meditation include:

  • Start small - you don’t have to do it for long.
  • Set a timer with a gentle alarm.
  • Find somewhere comfortable to sit (it’s better not to lie down as you might fall asleep).
  • Try not to think and bring your mind back when it wanders.
  • Focus on your breath.
Discover different types of meditation
Couple on a luxury spa break

3. Take walking meetings

This one might not be the easiest to convince your boss of, but if you can, what a way to make a change! Rather than sitting at your desk to chat through bits and pieces, head out into the fresh air and take a stroll. Equally, a little walk at lunchtime does a lot of good. It will give you lots more energy for the rest of the day as well. Obviously the British weather cannot always be relied upon, but unless it’s really pouring with rain you can still wrap up and reap the benefits. Even better if the sun is shining and you can throw a spot of vitamin D into the equation.

Health benefits of walking

Walking is one of the most popular wellbeing trends this year, and many people are passionate about hiking in the countryside or simply going for a stroll in the park. Alongside the popularity of intense workouts, walking is often overlooked for its health benefits, but they are extensive, wide reaching, and often surprising. For example, Harvard Health writes about the benefits of going for a walk, including easing joint pain, counteracting "the effects of weight-promoting genes", and boosting immune function. They even write that walking can help curb your sugar cravings:

"A pair of studies from the University of Exeter found that a 15-minute walk can curb cravings for chocolate and even reduce the amount of chocolate you eat in stressful situations. And the latest research confirms that walking can reduce cravings and intake of a variety of sugary snacks."

Discover the best spas for walking holidays in the UK

4. Start a sleep routine

Not being able to sleep, or poor sleep, is one of the most common problems, and the issue is that it’s cumulative. Mental Health UK estimates that 79% of us struggle to switch off at bedtime and 60% of us wake up in the night with thoughts of work and other worries. It's not just about feeling groggy the next day, but chronic sleep issues eventually create sleep deficit, which can lead to long term health problems. There are lots of things that can contribute to poor sleep, but with the shift in season, can we create find new inspiration to explore habits that might help us rest a little easier?

Health benefits of sleep

Aside from anything else, having a good night's sleep is just a very nice thing to enjoy. We all feel better when we're suitably rested. However, there are lots of other health benefits to great sleep - in fact, it's essential for our physical and emotional health. The CDC cites the health benefits of sleep as helping to:

  • Boost your immune system
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduce stress and improve your mood
  • Lower your risk of chronic conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes
  • Improve your attention and memory to better perform daily activities

Supporting better sleep:

There are lots of 'shoulds' out there from people who mean well when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. However, what works for you can be different to what works for someone else, not least because the cause of sleeplessness varies from one person to the next. The CDC recommends a lot of things that you might expect, from keeping your bedroom cool and quiet, to turning off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime, and avoiding caffeine in the afternoon or evening. Spas can also be extremely helpful, with nurturing experiences such as Somadome meditation pods and Welnamis touchless treatment beds.

Speaking to Dr Maja Schaedel, a clinical psychologist at the Sleep Disorder Centre at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and the Co-Founder of The Good Sleep Clinic, however, she takes a more holistic approach, saying:

"For years sleeplessness was seen as a symptom rather than an issue in its own right, but now we know it works in both directions, for example, a lack of sleep can lead to anxiety as well as being a symptom of anxiety."

Find out how to get a better night's sleep

5. Get out in the garden

Getting outside in the fresh air and enjoying time in the garden is one of the very great joys of the spring and summer months. Whether it's your own garden or someone else's, a public park or a spa hotel with gorgeous grounds, these are little worlds that offer an abundance of happiness and health benefits. Encouraging you to walk and move around, being in the open air, the sunshine and natural light, or even doing a bit of gardening yourself - it's a multifaceted world of optimism and opportunity.

Health benefits of being outside

Heading out into the fresh air reaps all sorts of benefits, but it also helps to get us away from our digital worlds. From the oxygen to the sunlight, there's so much to embrace. McLean hospital writes:

"Fresh air, which increases oxygen levels in our brains, raises serotonin levels, as does exposure to beneficial microorganisms found in soil. Our brain also releases serotonin when sunlight hits our skin and eyes. In fact, natural light plays a role in several mood-related processes."

Taking up gardening is also great for mind, body and soul - if you've ever tried to weed garden borders you will know it's a pretty good workout, while getting your hands into the soil actually has powerful seratonin-boosting benefits. Gardening can also be a huge inspiration for healthy eating as well - there's enormous reward that comes from the knowledge you grew your own fruit, veg, or herbs! There’s also something deeply restorative about planting, nurturing and growing plants.

Tips for enjoying wellbeing outside:

  • Take up gardening and get your hands into the soil
  • Set up a herb garden on your kitchen windowsill (planting your own peppermint for tea is an easy way to enjoy the fruits of your labour quickly!)
  • If you don't have your own garden, see if there's an allotment near you - it's a good way to meet like-minded people, burn energy, practice mindfulness, and it's a good source of seasonal healthy food
  • Go and visit one of the UK's National Trust gardens
  • Book a spa or hotel spa getaway at a destination with gorgeous grounds
Discover some of the most beautiful spa gardens in the UK

Written by
Bonnie Friend
“A journalist by trade, Bonnie is the Editor for Keen to spread the message on accessible wellbeing and a spa experience for all, she thinks green smoothies are somewhat overrated and her favourite spa treatment is an Elemis Couture Technology facial.”
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