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Breakfast Bites: Atholl Brose

A classic favourite for the health fans at Ragdale Hall, what better way to kick start’s month of new beginnings and a happy healthy springtime?!


Ingredients (Serves four)

175g (6oz) Medium oatmeal

250g (9oz) Raspberries

Four tbsp clear honey

500g (1lb 2oz) Low fat natural yogurt


  • Preheat the grill.
  • Sprinkle the oatmeal onto a baking sheet and toast it lightly until golden brown. Leave it to cool.
  • In a large mixing bowl, stir together two tbsp of the honey and the yogurt, then mix in the cooled oats.
  • Layer the mixture into serving glasses with the raspberries and remaining honey, reserving a few raspberries to arrange on top.
  • Chill until ready to serve.

Chef’s tip: Make this the night before and chill in the fridge overnight - it will taste even better!

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