Writer, creative communicator, and professional juggler … well, sort of. Man about town, Ajay Teli explains why he needs a break!
What do you do?
The question should be what is it I don’t do? Today’s working life isn’t about long lunches, skipping out early for a cheeky drink or catch-up with friends, it’s about delivering good work and being on the ball and sharp, but doing that five days a week isn’t easy either. Throw in your ‘personal admin’, domestic chores and for those lucky ones, attending to your partner or children … you’re just waiting to keel over with exhaustion. My day-to-day involves a mix of communications, using my creative head, managing a hold of other creative communication agencies and juggling a number of balls at any given moment, what I do is juggle - and I’ve made it in to an art form, well when I have the energy!
What makes you feel stressed?
Sometimes you just plod on and on and don’t even realise that you are stressed. You think you’re being calm and collected, but really your body is going into overdrive. What you don’t realise is that plodding on non-stop and letting the adrenaline take over at times does stress your body out. There are levels of stress and each one has its own consequence. For me, it’s about trying to find the time to rest and relax - give your own body an MOT - perfect really as it’s Men’s MOT Week. As I type this … I feel like checking in somewhere where I can close my eyes, hear silence and get a massage that will help me to sleep!
What are you going to do about it this week and why?
Well after a lot of thinking back and forth and really procrastinating, I have checked myself into a much needed couple of days at a spa in London. I don’t have the energy to go farfetched so local is what I want….and Spabreaks.com threw up Hilton Syon Park - perfect as they have great rooms, a spa (treatment booked) and dinner at Marco Pierre White … well you have to eat! I am just finishing this so that I can leave my desk and go. This is what I mean - there are always going to be tasks that you can’t complete - work will always be there, but your health … health comes first otherwise you won’t be able to work - we all forget about that.