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What to wear and what to bring on a spa day, break or weekend is always something that people get anxious about, especially if they’re a first time spa goer. It’s nothing to worry about though. While to some extent it depends on what you’re doing on your spa break, there are some essentials that will help make your spa experience easy and enjoyable. First, we always recommend you take two swimming costumes - one for swimming in and one to change into afterwards so you can have your treatments or lounge by the pool without sitting in soggy swimwear. We also recommend you take a pair of flip flops in case slippers are not provided, and something comfortable to change into after using the spa or in case you have to change for lunch as some places don’t allow you to stay in your robe in the dining areas. Most spas will also provide towels and a robe, but it’s worth checking before you visit.
Generally spas will provide products for showering, but it’s always a good idea to take them just in case, or if you have particular preferences. On balance spas are very good at having reading materials and magazines laying around, but it never hurts to take a good book or your favourite publication. If you’re staying overnight, it’s worth taking a small, separate bag to your overnight bag. That way you can decant what you need in the spa (your book, spare swimming costume) and leave everything else in your room.
Lots of people worry about what to take to wear during a spa treatment. In many ways it’s about what makes you comfortable. We recommend wearing that dry swimming costume we mentioned. Some people prefer to wear underwear (if you’re having a full body treatment or back massage then you may be advised to remove your bra) during spa treatments. Other people prefer to wear nothing at all.
Finally, check whether the restaurant has a particular dress code before you visit. For most of your day you will probably be in your swimming costume and/or a robe and slippers. However, some restaurants may require you to dress for lunch and some may also have a smarter dress code for the evening.
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