Tivoli Palacio De Seteais Sintra Hotel
Tivoli Palacio De Seteais Sintra Hotel
Tivoli Palacio De Seteais Sintra Hotel
Tivoli Palacio De Seteais Sintra Hotel
Tivoli Palacio De Seteais Sintra Hotel
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Tivoli Palacio de Seteais Sintra Hotel

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Outdoor Pool
  • Restaurant

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Why people visit here

  • Hotel Spa
    The hotel offers a romantic experience in a five star hotel that was once a royal palace.
  • Romantic
    The five star hotel and its opulent furnishings make for old world romance.
  • Scenic location
    The hotel looks out across the hotel grounds, the Sintra Mountains, a Moorish Castle and Pena Palace.
  • Local attractions
    Discover Sintra Castel - a town classified of World Heritage by UNESCO.

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