Spa Resort Sanssouci
Spa Resort Sanssouci
Spa Resort Sanssouci
Spa Resort Sanssouci
Spa Resort Sanssouci
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Spa Resort Sanssouci

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Hot Tub
  • Sauna
  • Steam Room
  • Relax Room
  • Outdoor Hot Tub

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Czech Republic

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Why people visit here

  • Destination Spa
    With a 650 year history of healing, the hotel offers not only pampering but prescriptive wellbeing as well.
  • Activities
    Activities include skiing, Nordic walking, tennis and horse riding in this beautiful location.
  • Scenic Location
    The surrounding town not only has an enchanting history, but is also very beautiful to explore.
  • Location
    Karlovy Vary International Airport is about 1.6miles away or a short car journey.

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