Luenire Spa At Nightingale Place, London
Luenire Spa At Nightingale Place, London
Luenire Spa At Nightingale Place, London
Luenire Spa At Nightingale Place, London
Luenire Spa At Nightingale Place, London
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Luenire Spa at Nightingale Place, London

8.6 Very Good 12 customer reviews

Luenire Spa at Nightingale Place is a purpose-built day spa that offers guests a complete wellbeing experience in one of London's most popular locations. Perfect for a spa day with friends or quality time to yourself, enjoy luxury treatments and experiences.

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Dual Treatment
  • Hot Tub
  • Parking
  • Pool
  • Relax Room
  • Sauna

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Why people visit here

  • Local attractions
    Clapham is in a great location for accessing and exploring the rest of London, whether you fancy a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum or a stroll around St James's Park.
  • Day spa
    Luenire Spa at Nightingale Place is a purpose-built day spa that offers guests a complete wellbeing experience in one of London's most popular locations.
  • Location
    Luenire Spa at Nightingale Place sits in the heart of Clapham in London, making it easy to get to whilst being a little removed from the central buzz.

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