Minos Beach Art Hotel
Minos Beach Art Hotel
Minos Beach Art Hotel
Minos Beach Art Hotel
Minos Beach Art Hotel
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Minos Beach Art Hotel

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Sauna
  • Relax Room
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Gym
  • Tennis
  • Beach

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Why people visit here

  • Location
    On the waterfront in Mirabello Bay, the hotel is 65km from Heraklion airport
  • Scenic location
    The hotel looks straight out onto the sea, taking advantage of the spectacular location.
  • Activities
    Dive and explore ancient wrecks and natural marvels, go dinghy sailing and windsurfing in balmy temperatures.
  • Romantic
    A beautiful location by the sea in a five star hotel, Minos Beach Art Hotel is elegant and romantic.

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