Hotel Son Caliu Spa Oasis
Hotel Son Caliu Spa Oasis
Hotel Son Caliu Spa Oasis
Hotel Son Caliu Spa Oasis
Hotel Son Caliu Spa Oasis
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Hotel Son Caliu Spa Oasis

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Hot Tub
  • Sauna
  • Steam Room
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Experience Showers

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Why people visit here

  • Scenic Location
    In a small cove surrounded by private gardens, the hotel looks out onto blue skies and even bluer waters.
  • Golf Resort
    The hotel is situated close to a number of acclaimed golf courses, and offers guests up to 20% off green fees
  • Tennis Courts
    The lifestyle in Mallorca is all about the great outdoors – the perfect opportunity to hit the courts and brush up on those tennis skills.
  • Pre-Natal
    The Oasis spa offers spa experiences specifically designed for new mums and mums-to-be.

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