Holiday Inn Porto   Gaia
Holiday Inn Porto   Gaia
Holiday Inn Porto   Gaia
Holiday Inn Porto   Gaia
Holiday Inn Porto   Gaia
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Holiday Inn Porto - Gaia

Spa and hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Steam Room
  • Hydrotherapy Pool
  • Relax Room
  • Gym

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Why people visit here

  • Family Friendly
    Children are welcome at the hotel with family friendly rooms. The pool is located inside the SPA and is available for persons 12 years and above. Please note the pool is not a leisure pool - it is a Hydrotherapy Circuit.
  • Location
    You can walk to Vila Nova de Gaia Train Station and João de Deus Metro Station in under 15 minutes.The hotel is a 20-minute drive from Porto landmarks such as Museu Serralves and Casa da Música, while blissful Blue Flag beaches await on the nearby coast.
  • Hotel Spa Venue
    The Spa is located in the 3rd Floor and you will find the gym on the 22nd. The Spa has a hydrotherapy pool circuit, Turkish bath a steam bath, and sauna.

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